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Monday, May 25, 2015

Why you should join the Buy Nothing Project

The Buy Nothing Project’s goal is to encourage 365 days of gifting. The main rule of the project is simple: you cannot buy or sell items through the project; it is only about giving and receiving. Mission statement of Buy Nothing Project: We offer people a way to give and receive, share, lend, and express gratitude through a worldwide network of hyper-local gift economies in which the true wealth is the web of connections formed between people who are real-life neighbors. Here is the...
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Monday, May 18, 2015

How to Launder with Soap Nuts (including cloth diapers!)

In preparing the nursery, I needed to start washing my stash of cloth diapers, but my laundry detergent was listed (even though it's a "sustainable" brand) as not being very good for cloth diapers. Some detergents leave residue that can build up on diapers and cause leaks or decreased absorbency. I started researching detergents for cloth diapers and decided to try soap nuts. These nuts are grown on a tree and are a natural soap perfect for washing machines. They are low sudsing, so compatible...
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Monday, May 4, 2015

May the 4th be with you... baby style!

Happy Star Wars Day! I thought I would share a few things Star Wars today... baby style! Did you see "Babies React to Star Wars Trailer"? Oh, my goodness! You have to! This is exactly the reaction my husband and I had when watching the new trailer: Check out this Star Wars nursery by Greg Pabst. My husband would have died if I suggested a Star Wars nursery (luckily, he seems really pleased with our current nursery scheme, though). I LOVE the Wampa Rug (amazon affiliate link)! And that...
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Creating a Sunny Sky Nursery Ceiling

Two weekends ago, my husband painted our nursery ceiling sky blue. We used Behr paint, low VOC in an eggshell finish from Home Depot. The color is called Blue Feather. We kept debating whether we went too dark, but absolutely loved it once we saw it on the ceiling. Blue Feather paint from Behr (image source: Home Depot) This Saturday, we did our big Ikea shopping run for nursery items we needed. We purchased the SMILA SOL Ceiling Lamp. If you buy this lamp, note you will need three 12E 40W...
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Monday, April 20, 2015

Master Bedroom Inspiration

Yes, it may seem a bit odd for me to be planning out the master bedroom when I have a nursery to work on (ceiling is painted! Squeal!!!). Keep in mind that now is the perfect time to get the house cleaned up and ship shape before baby arrives. Once baby is here, it will take us a while to tackle these rooms. The master bedroom and guest room/office are two rooms that are in desperate need of attention right now. We need to get the guest room ready for when my stepson is in town (this Summer;...
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Monday, April 13, 2015

Cloth Diaper Storage Solutions

So I have been obsessing over cloth diapers even before getting pregnant. I just think they are so darn cute! They make me all warm inside. Weird thing to say about a diaper, huh? Since I have started collecting my own stash, I have been thinking more and more about how I want to store them. I absolutely love options that display them like artwork. Here are 9 clever ways to store your cloth diapers: 1. HEMNES Dresser Changing Table HEMNES Dresser Changing Table with SKUBB Organizers (Image...
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